Project Bags - Drawstring

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We all love to acquire project bags for our knitting WIP, but we all know there are countless other uses for them beside our yarn projects.  There is something truly organic about storing things in fabric bags!  

In some of our bags, we are re-inventing clothing or textiles that inspire us.. In other bags, we put together wonderful combinations of cotton fabrics - always with an eye toward color and pattern placement.  Occasionally, we will be showcasing international fabrics from places like Africa and Japan........we may even throw in some of our own fabric designs.  Hopefully somewhere along the way, we will stumble on a combination that inspires you, and makes you smile.

The following Drawstring bags are for those folks knitting a smaller project - socks, scarf, hat etc. The boxed bottom measures approximately 3” x 7”, and the height to the top of the bag when “standing” is 10” (8” to bottom of drawstring when closed). Each bag is one of a kind. You can see the lining material in the second image on each listing. They are not interfaced, so they will be easy to collapse into a larger carry bag.

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Click here to see our Zipped Up bags - excellent for folks working on a larger project

Click here to see our Over The Arm bags - perfect for smaller projects too, in addition to being very convenient for folks on the go.